To uphold the sanctity of human life and to share the love of Christ with women facing an unplanned pregnancy
We desire to serve women in a non-judgmental manner by meeting the spiritual and practical needs she encounters in a pregnancy. Many women that walk through our doors are considering abortion. They often feel they have no choice but to terminate their pregnancy. We provide verification of the pregnancy and a free ultrasound. We provide life-affirming options counseling and material support in the form of diapers and baby clothes. Most of all, we provide a listening ear and loving encouragement towards life. Ultimately we desire to equip our clients and their families for an abundant life in Christ.
We offer free services including:
Pregnancy tests
Free lab quality pregnancy tests offered in a confidential, loving environment.
Free ultrasounds to confirm the pregnancy is viable and to date the pregnancy.
Material Support
Free diapers, wipes and baby clothes for children through age 2.
Group Classes, Bible study and prayer support
Weekly Mom’s Group and prayer offered at every visit.
Life-affirming options counseling
Truthful information about abortion procedures offered in a life-affirming and supportive environment.
Learn to Earn Classes
Individual classes offered where women can earn “Baby Bucks” to shop in our new “Counted Sparrow” boutique.